Friday May 20, 2011, I was with my friends visiting the museum in Jakarta known as the Museum Gajah in order to to collect some data for task history. It is called Museum Gajah because in front of the building there is a statue of an elephant. I visited Gajah Museum along with Okti, Andry, Ifan, and Heza. When I look around the museum, I was interested in some artefacts that must have beengenerally acknowledged by the people of Indonesia, namely Kris.
Kris, as we all know is a stabbing weapon that goes into a dagger class (pointyand sharp on both sides) with many cultural functions are known in the western and central archipelago. The shape is unique and easily distinguished from other sharp weapons because it is not symmetrical at the base of the dilated, oftentortuous blade, and many of them have the prestige (Damascene), namelystrokes on a piece of bright metal blade. Stabbing weapon types that have similarities with the dagger dagger.
In the past kris serves as a weapon in a duel / war, as well as object complementofferings. In contemporary usage, a dagger is more of a body accessory(ageman) in dress, has a number of cultural symbols, or becoming a valuedcollection of objects in terms of aesthetics. The use of the keris is spread on theterritory once the community residents affected by the Majapahit, such as Java,Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Kalimantan coast, most of Sulawesi, the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand and southern Philippines (Mindanao). KerisMindanao known as dull. Keris in each region has its own peculiarities in appearance, function, technique filmed, and terminology. Keris Indonesia has been listed in UNESCO as World Heritage of Human Non-material since 2005.
In the past kris serves as a weapon in a duel / war, as well as object complementofferings. In contemporary usage, a dagger is more of a body accessory(ageman) in dress, has a number of cultural symbols, or becoming a valuedcollection of objects in terms of aesthetics. The use of the keris is spread on theterritory once the community residents affected by the Majapahit, such as Java,Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Kalimantan coast, most of Sulawesi, the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand and southern Philippines (Mindanao). KerisMindanao known as dull. Keris in each region has its own peculiarities in appearance, function, technique filmed, and terminology. Keris Indonesia has been listed in UNESCO as World Heritage of Human Non-material since 2005.
The origin of the keris is not fully explained because there are no written sourcesabout it is descriptive of the period before the 15th century, although the mention ofthe term "dagger" was listed in the inscription from the 9th century AD.Development of the scientific study of keris was mostly based on analysis offigures in the reliefs of the temple or statue, meanwhile, knowledge about thefunction of the keris can be tracked from a few inscriptions and foreign explorersreports to the archipelago.
The origin of the keris is not fully explained because there are no written sourcesabout it is descriptive of the period before the 15th century, although the mention ofthe term "dagger" was listed in the inscription from the 9th century AD.Development of the scientific study of keris was mostly based on analysis offigures in the reliefs of the temple or statue, meanwhile, knowledge about thefunction of the keris can be tracked from a few inscriptions and foreign explorersreports to the archipelago.
Beginning: Effect of India-China
With a sharp weapon believed to be a source of inspiration can be found on thekeris relics perundagian of Dong Son Culture and southern China. Allegedinfluence of Chinese culture in the use of Kuna stabbing weapon, as a forerunner of the keris, is allowed into the Dong Son culture (Vietnam) which is a "bridge" the influence of Chinese culture to the archipelago. Kris number for purposes of the present offerings have human-shaped handle (not distilir like modern keris),together with a dagger Dong Son, and together with the blade.
The attitude of respect for the various metal objects filmed India can be traced as an influence, especially Siwaisme. Dakuwu inscriptions (6th century) shows Indianiconography featuring "wesi aji" like trident, kudhi, sickle, and kris sombro.Historians generally agree, a dagger from the pre-Singasari known as "KrisBuda", a short form and not berluk (straight), and is considered as a form of the initial (prototype) kris. Some of the findings dagger Dong Son culture has similarities with kris and kris sadjen Buda. Kris sadjen have the grip of metalfused with a keris.
With a sharp weapon believed to be a source of inspiration can be found on thekeris relics perundagian of Dong Son Culture and southern China. Allegedinfluence of Chinese culture in the use of Kuna stabbing weapon, as a forerunner of the keris, is allowed into the Dong Son culture (Vietnam) which is a "bridge" the influence of Chinese culture to the archipelago. Kris number for purposes of the present offerings have human-shaped handle (not distilir like modern keris),together with a dagger Dong Son, and together with the blade.
The attitude of respect for the various metal objects filmed India can be traced as an influence, especially Siwaisme. Dakuwu inscriptions (6th century) shows Indianiconography featuring "wesi aji" like trident, kudhi, sickle, and kris sombro.Historians generally agree, a dagger from the pre-Singasari known as "KrisBuda", a short form and not berluk (straight), and is considered as a form of the initial (prototype) kris. Some of the findings dagger Dong Son culture has similarities with kris and kris sadjen Buda. Kris sadjen have the grip of metalfused with a keris.

Kris dagger stabbing and Pagarruyung palace collection. Dagger stabbing had been known from the first millennium in the archipelago.
Kris currently known modern historians have believed to form during theMajapahit (14th century) and new Mataram Sultanate (17th century-18), although the reliefs on Candi Bahal heritage Kingdom Panai / Pane (the 11th century AD), as part of the Srivijaya empire, in North Sumatra Portibi, showed indications that in the 10-11 century dagger, as it is known today has found its form. From the 15th century, one of the reliefs in Sukuh, which is the shrine of the end ofMajapahit, clearly shows a master craftsman was making kris. Relief is on the leftdescribes Bhima as the personification of the middle of the iron masters,Ganesha in the middle, and Arjuna the middle of the tube pumping air blower for the furnace. The wall behind the master featuring a variety of forging metal objects, including a dagger. This is the reason for the experts to declare that theshape of the keris is known now has reached its modern developments in theMajapahit period.
Ma Huan's notes from the year 1416, members of Cheng Ho's expedition, in the "Ying-yai Sheng-lan" mentions that the people of Majapahit was always wearing the "dagger" (pu-la-t'ou) are inserted on a belt. There is a description whichindicates that the "dagger" This is a dagger and manufacturing techniques have been developed both prestige .. Tome Pires, Portuguese explorers of the 16th century, mentioned the usage habits of the keris by Javanese men. Descriptionsare not much different from that mentioned Ma Huan century earlier.
News of the Portuguese and French from the 17th century has demonstratedwidespread use of the prestige and the use of dagger handles of wood, horn, orivory in various places in the archipelago.
Kris functional development
At present, the keris has diverse functions and this is indicated by the diversity ofexisting forms of keris.
Kris as an element of sacrifice, as expressed by the inscriptions of the first millennium show as part of a sacrificial dagger. At present, the keris is also still part of the offerings. Furthermore, the keris is also used in rituals / ceremoniesmystical or paranormal. Kris for the use of this kind has a different shape, with theupstream kris pessimistic, so the upper one with a keris. Such Kris dagger knownas offerings or "kris majapahit" (not the same as tough Majapahit keris).
The accounts of foreign shows the function of the keris as a weapon in the laymanMajapahit. Kris blades as a weapon has a sturdy, tough, but lightweight. Variouslegends of Demak, Mataram period known some famous dagger weapon, such as kris Nagasasra Sabukinten.
French Report of the 16th century has been told the role of the keris as a symbol of the greatness of the leaders of Sumatra (especially the Sultanate of Aceh).Godinho de Heredia from Portugal wrote in his journal from the year 1613 that theMalay Peninsula residents ("Hujung Land") has given poison on and decoratekeris dagger scabbard and upstream with jewels.
"Smoothing" kris function seems to be getting stronger since the 19th centuryonwards, in line with the easing of political turmoil in the archipelago and a stronger use of firearms. In this development, the role of the keris as a weaponwas gradually reduced. For example, in Java idealism of a man "perfect", it is often argued that the keris or suspected to be a symbol of the handle science /skills for life provision. The growing use of manners as well as variations krisdagger scabbard (sheath) which is known today can be said is also a form ofsmoothing function of the keris.
At present, the keris has diverse functions and this is indicated by the diversity ofexisting forms of keris.
Kris as an element of sacrifice, as expressed by the inscriptions of the first millennium show as part of a sacrificial dagger. At present, the keris is also still part of the offerings. Furthermore, the keris is also used in rituals / ceremoniesmystical or paranormal. Kris for the use of this kind has a different shape, with theupstream kris pessimistic, so the upper one with a keris. Such Kris dagger knownas offerings or "kris majapahit" (not the same as tough Majapahit keris).
The accounts of foreign shows the function of the keris as a weapon in the laymanMajapahit. Kris blades as a weapon has a sturdy, tough, but lightweight. Variouslegends of Demak, Mataram period known some famous dagger weapon, such as kris Nagasasra Sabukinten.
French Report of the 16th century has been told the role of the keris as a symbol of the greatness of the leaders of Sumatra (especially the Sultanate of Aceh).Godinho de Heredia from Portugal wrote in his journal from the year 1613 that theMalay Peninsula residents ("Hujung Land") has given poison on and decoratekeris dagger scabbard and upstream with jewels.
"Smoothing" kris function seems to be getting stronger since the 19th centuryonwards, in line with the easing of political turmoil in the archipelago and a stronger use of firearms. In this development, the role of the keris as a weaponwas gradually reduced. For example, in Java idealism of a man "perfect", it is often argued that the keris or suspected to be a symbol of the handle science /skills for life provision. The growing use of manners as well as variations krisdagger scabbard (sheath) which is known today can be said is also a form ofsmoothing function of the keris.
Different ways to wear a keris is based on Javanese culture.
At present, the keris Javanese keris is always seen as tosan aji or "hard objects(metal) the sublime", not as a weapon. Kris is dhuwung, together with a spear;both are regarded as objects "handle" (ageman) taken the primacy by taking the form of stabbing weapon in the past. In Malaysia, the culture of a strong monarchy,the identity of the Malay keris.
The procedure for the use of different dagger in each region. In the area of Javaand the Sunda example, a dagger was placed in the back of the waist in peacetime but is placed in front on the war. Placement dagger in front can be interpreted as a willingness to fight. In addition, related to the function, sarongkeris Java also has a major variations: Gayaman and ladrang. Meanwhile, inSumatra, Borneo, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines, a dagger was placed in front of greatness in the ceremonies.
Kris - kris famous legendary
• MPU Gandring Kris
• Heritage Satan Kober Kris Kris
• Kyai Sengkelat
• Kris Belt Heritage Nagasasra Inten
• Kris Kyai Carubuk
• Kris Kyai Lean Mix
• Kris Taming Sari
• Kris Si Ginje
At present, the keris Javanese keris is always seen as tosan aji or "hard objects(metal) the sublime", not as a weapon. Kris is dhuwung, together with a spear;both are regarded as objects "handle" (ageman) taken the primacy by taking the form of stabbing weapon in the past. In Malaysia, the culture of a strong monarchy,the identity of the Malay keris.
The procedure for the use of different dagger in each region. In the area of Javaand the Sunda example, a dagger was placed in the back of the waist in peacetime but is placed in front on the war. Placement dagger in front can be interpreted as a willingness to fight. In addition, related to the function, sarongkeris Java also has a major variations: Gayaman and ladrang. Meanwhile, inSumatra, Borneo, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines, a dagger was placed in front of greatness in the ceremonies.
Kris - kris famous legendary
• MPU Gandring Kris
• Heritage Satan Kober Kris Kris
• Kyai Sengkelat
• Kris Belt Heritage Nagasasra Inten
• Kris Kyai Carubuk
• Kris Kyai Lean Mix
• Kris Taming Sari
• Kris Si Ginje