National Museum, Vishnu "God of Keepers"

On Sunday on May 22, 2011 I was with my friend, Nabiella, visited the National Museum to complete the task of our history lesson. The National Museum also known as Museum Gajah because there is a statue of an elephant on the front of the museum. Exactly at 12.00 pm we arrived there. This is my first visit to the National Museum. The National Museum located on Medan Merdeka Barat street number 12, Central Jakarta. The National Museum is divided into two parts, namely about the history of Indonesia and 7 cultural arts. We chose to learn about the history of Indonesia.  We were assisted by a guide who will explain to us about things at the National Museum. First, we entered the living statue. This room is right in front of the museum entrance. Inside there are the sculptures and statues of gods embodiment of Hindu-Buddhist. Our guide explains some of the famous statue of the collection at the National Museum. In the middle there are the sculptures that are divided based on where you found the statue. On the left side there are statues that come from Central Java and the right side was placed statues of East Java. Differences based on the original statue can be seen from the engraving of the statue. The Statue of East Java in more detail than those of Central Java. After that we were guided into a room located behind the museum. Pre-historic era. There is an explanation of the periods of pre-history and relics in pre-history. After hearing an explanation of pre-historic times we went back to the front area of ​​the museum. We went into the room colonial era. There are objects like cannons which used at the time Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch. Because of we are interested to show a golden chamber, our guide was taking us to the second floor where there is gold room floor. Gold room is divided into 2 rooms. Each room contained jewelry king and queen of the former kingdom in Indonesia. However, divided by year. In earlier years, people used simple and plain jewelry, and not really interested in wearing  jewelry. Jewelry made of real gold. In the second room look more beautiful jewelry as more decorative. Gold room is the last room I visited the National Museum. My impression of the National Museum is very nice. I am very interested in collections at the National Museum. But the part I most like about this museum is the gold room. Jewelry made of gold I admire. The collections are so nice to show to visitors. As I said at the beginning if this is the first time I visited the National Museum. Formerly I may not so interest to want to know what's in the National Museum. That there my mind first collection will be mediocre even could have been boring. Complete the task history compel me to visit a museum. And from the results I got from a visit to the museum is not as bad as imagined. I was so looking at the stories of interest are described by a guide museum. My curiosity was increased every guide told me about anything. I also better understand more clearly about the history of Indonesia. It was not boring at all to know the history of Indonesia from the pre-history to colonial times. What I like anymore are the visitors. Apparently there are still many parents who bring their children for a vacation in the museum, which used the time not only playing in the mall but to the museum to be more useful. Not only local visitors, when the day is a lot of tourists who visit to see the collection of relics which exist in Indonesia. The atmosphere at the National Museum was so crowded, not as I imagine if a museum was deserted. Overall I give a positive response to the National Museum. However, the thing that I am very sorry it happened during a power outage in several rooms. In my opinion it should not happen. Sunday is a public holiday, the first day of a long holiday for the government dismiss two days. In the logic of the holiday should be a day where more and more visitors than the previous day. Lights should be done on the day other than the number of visitors to fewer public holidays. Lights interfere with the comfort of visitors. Due to the limited space that has lighting the visitors only focus to several rooms only. For example gold room. The room had lights that remain lit. As a result visitors piled in the room. Because it is too crowded and full of comfort was a little disturbed.
From some of the collections of the National Museum I chose the statue of Divinity Vishnu as my historical duty.
Vishnu is the god who comes from the Hindu religion. Based on the Sanskrit word derived from the word Vishnu Visnu, the word means Vis occupy or fill out and get the word nu suffix. So it could be interpreted as 'something that occupies everything'. Another name of Lord Vishnu is Narayana. Lord Vishnu of the tri mhurti including the three main gods, the other two gods are Brahma and Lord Shiva. He is also regarded as sacred spirits. Lord Vishnu is the god of keepers on duty to preserve and maintain the creation of Brahman also configures all the activities of living things. In the tradition of Hindu Lord Vishnu is seen as one manifestation of Brahman and did not want to be worshiped as God. Vishnu wearing a crown that symbolizes the power of a leader. Lord Vishnu also use the earrings in both ears, a pair of earrings is denoted as the two conflicting things in creation. Vishnu has a dark blue color or blue sky which symbolizes the infinite power. On the neck there is a god Vishnu necklace made of flowers and kaustubha. In the chest there is also a symbol of the foot Resi Brigu symbol symbol srivatsa aitu his wife, the Goddess Lakshmi. Should a god, four-armed Vishnu portrayed each of the hand holding the mace, lotus, Sangkala and chakras. Gada symbolized as an individual existence, mace held by the lower left hand. Lotus is defined as the force that gave rise to the universe is held by the bottom right hand. Sangkala symbolized as creativity and style of the five constituent elements of the universe in Hindu religion that is water, fire, earth and air ether, which is held by the top left hand. Chakra adaa a sharp-toothed arms and spinning interpreted as the mind, which is held by the top right hand. In some statues of Lord Vishnu the National Museum collection is identified to hold the chakra and conch.
Animal ridden by Lord Vishnu is the Garuda bird. Eagle symbolized as a gift with no strings attached. General depiction of nature, Vishnu is often depicted sitting on the shoulders of the eagle. Vishnu's wife is Goddess Lakshmi who is the goddess of wealth, prosperity, fertility, beauty, justice, luck and wisdom. In teaching a philosophy of Lord Vishnu can be transformed into 3 forms. That is the first manifestation is Lord Vishnu lying on the 'sea of ​​cause' and blow a lot of the universe. Secondly, Lord Vishnu entered alamsemesta and create all sorts. And last, Lord Vishnu entered into every being and every atom. Lord Vishnu incarnated as Awatara to earth to save the world from destruction. Awatara in the Hindu religion is the incarnation of God who takes the form of an object. The incarnation of Lord Vishnu ranging from fish, turtles, wild boar, man-lion, dwarf, Brahma-Ksatriya, princes, herdsmen, religious leaders, and the destroyer. A total of ten but have dropped nine prominent new earth form, a form of destruction is believed to be down at the end of time.
The way the worship of Lord Vishnu is very diverse. In a tradition of Lord Vishnu is worshiped directly or indirectly, ie through awataranya yanag particularly revered. There also considers Vishnu different from the other gods to be equated with the angel of Lord Vishnu as Lord Vishnu is considered to be something that is supreme. In Bali, Indonesia where a lot of people who consider religion very thick hindhunya therein, to worship Lord Vishnu built a special temple called Pura Puseh that must exist in each subdistrict and village levels. Vishnu believed to occupy the north in the wind.
In a philosophy of Hindu religion says that Lord Vishnu has six deity is Lord Vishnu knows everything that happens in the whole universe. He is also in power, none of which can regulate Vishnu. Lord Vishnu also can make the impossible into something possible. He is also very strong, capable Vishnu sustains all things without feeling fatigue. His spiritual power as the holy spirit in all beings that exist in the universe. Lord Vishnu also gives spiritual light to all beings. Some people assume that the power of Lord Vishnu in excess of the six mentioned above, but an important functional or aesthetic nature of the deity known is the six trait.